Tag Archives: communications

How To Survive the Gmail Tabs Marketing Apocalypse – Marketo.com

In the Spring of 2013, Google began rolling out a big restructure of the Gmail inbox, and many email marketers panicked. The Promotions tab that has been showing up in more and more Gmail accounts over the last two months has been repeatedly heralded as, “the death of email marketing.”

A couple of months later, however, we can step back from the apocalyptic rhetoric and take a look at what this really means.

  • Is the Gmail Promotions tab truly a bad thing?
  • How do we keep tabs on the impact of the tabs?
  • What should email marketers do in response?

How To Survive the Gmail Tabs Marketing Apocalypse – Marketo.com.

Conference Call on Alumni Newsletters – Tuesday, November 12

A few alumni relations-minded folks (from the education arena) are getting together on a call to discuss a topic related to alumni relations (see below). This call-in format will allow you to participate and listen to Q&A and ideas from other institutions. This is not an Alumni Channel sponsored or endorsed event, but simply a resource to share.

Subject:  Alumni Newsletters
When:  November 12 at 1.00pm Eastern Time (10.00am Pacific Time, 6.00pm UK Time)
Call in details:  Conference Dial-in Number: (661) 673-8600
Participant Access Code: 828609#


  1. How do you send your newsletters out
  2. Do you use links/pdf and where do you post them
  3. Do you send out the same newsletter to all constituents
  4. What do you include in your newsletters, and what has been successful / unsuccessful
  5. Do you use any specific software for producing newsletters
  6. Any other questions/suggestions

If you have any questions regarding this call, please contact Sarah Terry at sarah_j_terry@hotmail.com.