Tag Archives: Twitter

Customizing the Twitter Widget

If you have logged into your Twitter account and created a Twitter timeline widget, you can alter various properties so it displays how you want.  From the Twitter documentation here are a few tips:

To create a timeline you must be signed in to twitter.com and visit the widgets section of your settings page.

For sites where the theme and link color do not provide enough customization to make the Tweets feel like they’re a part of the page, Twitter offers a set of additional client side customization features.  These settings allow you to control the background color, borders, header, and footer of the timeline. Continue reading

How often should you tweet?

How often should you tweet?

This is a common question for those new to Twitter . . .

First off….. There is no “right” answer. I tweet 50+ times a day, others tweet once every day or two. There is no magically correct number. Your “right number” depends entirely upon your personal, business, or agency goals. Here are some rough guidelines that I have come up over the course of my 20K+ tweets.

Alumni Relations and Fundraising: The View from Twitter

Andy Shaindlin of alumni futures, a blog on ideas, trends and new directions in alumni relations, shares a few of the occasional alumni-related postings seen on Twitter.  Andy writes, “this isn’t about ‘how to use Twitter for fundraising and alumni relations.’  It’s just a couple of simple observations.”

The theme connecting the tweets Andy has collected is:

Students and alumni have a preconceived idea about what alumni associations do, and our actions often don’t match those preconceptions.

Read the rest of Andy’s article at alumnifutures.com >>>

New! Add Twitter to your Alumni Channel Website

We are happy to announce that Alumni Channel now works with Twitter!

Try these new features on for size:

  • Members can now make their Twitter account visible on their profile (just edit profile)
  • You can make your organization’s Twitter account visible on your home page

We actually now support all the most popular social networking applications in the same way (Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn too).  To see how your organization’s account would be showcased, see http://demo.schoolalumnisites.com for an example of these icons (see the area just to the right of the message board heading).

Webinar: How Nonprofit Organizations Can Successfully Use Twitter and Flickr

This webinar provides a general introduction to Twitter.com and Flickr.com and will demonstrate how nonprofit organizations can successfully use both Web sites to increase their organization’s website traffic and visibility on the Internet.

The webinar will also demonstrate click-by-click how to successfully set-up accounts on both sites, discuss best and worst practices, showcase some cutting-edge micro-fundraising campaigns on Twitter, and feature nonprofit organizations that are excelling in their use of Twitter and Flickr.

Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Time: 10am PST
Duration: 1.5 Hours
Individual Price: $40 per person

Read more at http://www.diosacommunications.com/webinars/twitter/october272009.htm

Twitter and Alumni Relations

AlumniFutures, a blog by Andy Shaindlin on Ideas, Trends and New Directions in Alumni Relations and Higher Education, has two resources worth pointing out about Twitter.

Don’t know what Twitter is?  Haven’t used it?  No problem — the resources below give a crash course in what Twitter does and how it’s used.

Is Twitter a Tool for Alumni Relations?
White Paper: Activating Alumni Networks with Twitter