Tag Archives: engagement

3 Bad Habits in Alumni Relations

3 Bad Habits in Alumni Relations and Engagement – posted by Gary Toyn of Alumni Access

Some bad habits are more troublesome than others. In my role as a consultant for many types of membership and constituent groups, I’m learning of a few bad habits that are increasingly common, and are negatively affecting engagement.

While this isn’t a comprehensive list, here are three bad habits worth mentioning:


Source: 3 Bad Habits in Alumni Relations

Alumni News is Not Really Alumni Engagement | Higher Ed Live

All of us in alumni engagement are charged with generating school spirit by helping alumni grow personally and professionally under the university flag. Although the eventual goal is to create goodwill resulting in gifts of time and dollars, most of us are trying to promote programs and initiatives for our alumni over the short term that will cause a connective spark.

Many institutions rely on reporting alumni news as a central tenant to their alumni constituency engagement strategy. Our communicators publish unbiased, journalistically sound, news articles that showcase professional achievements or unique philanthropic efforts. But this reporting doesn’t really drive alums to do anything.

For example: perhaps fictional alumnus, Steve Studly ’81 has been named to the Georgia State Lawyers “Best Lawyers of 2012” list, or alumnae Mary Matters ’07 recently traveled to the Sudan and volunteered for the Red Cross. These are both excellent professional achievements, but neither will likely help sell your alumni engagement initiatives.

What do you want your alumni to do?

Source: Alumni News is Not Really Alumni Engagement | Higher Ed Live

5 Things the Best University Alumni Networks Have in Common

Ask most alumni relations professionals the secret of success and they will have a common refrain.

They will tell you that best way to create a group of engaged, committed – and generous – alumni is to begin with a group of engaged, committed students.

What do you think makes an alumni network great?!
Continue reading

The ‘What’s In It For Me?’ Alumni Test

Are education institutions in denial about their alumni engagement?

Schools are implementing a variety of activities, yet are they actually making progress towards their stated goal of engaging alumni?  Perhaps, they have lost sight of the basics.

Engaging alumni should not be complicated.  Fundamentally it is about providing alumni with a compelling reason to engage with your institution. Continue reading

Fun, Rivalry and Alumni Engagement! | Almabase Blog

fun rivalry and alum

History’s long standing camaraderie or rivalry comes with sports or sporting events. Sports fans have their psychological selves uplifted when their team wins. Be it sports fanaticism or an evening of casual playing, it is no doubt that roughing it out together, builds bonds that last a lifetime. There is something about running behind a ball, or hitting one with a bat that builds friendships and nurtures loyalty. Continue reading

Stop Using These Metrics to Measure Alumni Engagement

Alumni organizations are always trying to find new ways to engage alumni, but when you’re trying to measure your progress, using the wrong metrics can give you a false sense of success (or failure.)

Unfortunately, many metrics tell only part of the story, and others are downright deceptive.

After years of working with both large and small member organizations, here’s a list of five digital marketing metrics that alumni organizations should stop using: Continue reading

How To Survive the Gmail Tabs Marketing Apocalypse – Marketo.com

In the Spring of 2013, Google began rolling out a big restructure of the Gmail inbox, and many email marketers panicked. The Promotions tab that has been showing up in more and more Gmail accounts over the last two months has been repeatedly heralded as, “the death of email marketing.”

A couple of months later, however, we can step back from the apocalyptic rhetoric and take a look at what this really means.

  • Is the Gmail Promotions tab truly a bad thing?
  • How do we keep tabs on the impact of the tabs?
  • What should email marketers do in response?

How To Survive the Gmail Tabs Marketing Apocalypse – Marketo.com.

Why should I give back to my University or College? | LinkedIn

Universities and colleges all over the globe have some sort of Alumni and Development function within their institution.

This function is designed to enhance relationships with alumni and former staff whilst simultaneously enhancing the experience of current students and staff at the institution.

Read more: Why should I give back to my University or College? | LinkedIn.