Category Archives: Suggestions

Customizing the Twitter Widget

If you have logged into your Twitter account and created a Twitter timeline widget, you can alter various properties so it displays how you want.  From the Twitter documentation here are a few tips:

To create a timeline you must be signed in to and visit the widgets section of your settings page.

For sites where the theme and link color do not provide enough customization to make the Tweets feel like they’re a part of the page, Twitter offers a set of additional client side customization features.  These settings allow you to control the background color, borders, header, and footer of the timeline. Continue reading

Great Example: Elementary Alumni E-mail Blast

Below is an example of an e-mail blast sent by one of our customers . . .


School of Saints Faith, Hope & Charity Alumni – Winnetka, Illinois

This newsletter is to highlight the current news from the Faith, Hope and Charity School as well as the FHC Alumni Organization. We will send out newsletters 3 times a year to keep you connected to the FHC Community. This is our Second Quarter Newsletter. Continue reading

Let them know what you need

Did you ever create a “wish list” around the holidays?  Schools can have wishlists too, and not just at special times.  Christian Heritage Academy of Oklahoma has taken a page of their school web site and posted “CHA’s Wish List” which gives friends and donors an alternate way to invest in the school’s success.

Sites such as, and even Adopt-A-Classroom, allow alumni/development directors, principals, and even individual teachers to create their own wish lists for parents, alumni and others to see. The community can see exactly what is needed and contribute online.

Suggestion: Better Listing of the Missing

Submitted by Jeff Chrzanowski of Cherokee High School:

I also thought of something that might be interesting–make a list of people in a class that someone else wants to hear from. I can think of some people from my class that I’d like to find out about and maybe someone who reads the class lists knows the person and can tell him or her that someone was looking for him or her. Not like a forum category–that would take up too much space and most people might not bother reading it. Put something on the home page or on each class page that asks “Who would you like to hear from?” and a registered user can enter a name and class, and that person’s name would be listed in a separate area (missing classmates?) on his or her class page. Maybe someone who knows this person sees the name and tells him or her that someone on the alumni site was asking about him or her and hopefully will get that person to register. Whether the requestor wants his/her name listed on the request is up for debate.

Suggestion: Make alumnus profile pictures larger

Murat Nuri and Lauren Katz, of Mt. Hebron High School, suggest to somehow make the pictures that alumni attach (avatars) larger or “click on” to view them. They are too small and I can’t see them well!

It would be great if it were possible to click on the pictures and they would enlarge. It’s very difficult to view the thumbnail picture next to the profile because it’s so small.