Category Archives: Online Resources / Webinars

Customizing the Twitter Widget

If you have logged into your Twitter account and created a Twitter timeline widget, you can alter various properties so it displays how you want.  From the Twitter documentation here are a few tips:

To create a timeline you must be signed in to and visit the widgets section of your settings page.

For sites where the theme and link color do not provide enough customization to make the Tweets feel like they’re a part of the page, Twitter offers a set of additional client side customization features.  These settings allow you to control the background color, borders, header, and footer of the timeline. Continue reading

Effective Alumni Fundraising Webinar (9/25/12) and Others

Our friends at the National School Foundation Association have put together a seminar series, and later today they are offering:

Effective Alumni Fundraising

Eventbrite - 2012 Fall WebinarsDescription: A workshop designed to assist listeners apply key aspects of the very successful college and university model of fundraising to the K-12 environment Seven activities K-12 foundation and or school personnel can practice to obtain financial support from your alumni are covered. Attendees also learn that once identified, converting alumni to major donors for your school or district is important for not only you but to the alumni as well. Continue reading

FREE! New Facebook Research | Idealware

In February 2011, Idealware distributed a survey to over 500 nonprofit professionals already using Facebook as part of their communications mix, and the results are in. Through an online survey, telephone interviews, and case studies, we now provide an update to the research from our Nonprofit Social Media Decision Guide to answer your burning questions, including:

  • How much time should you spend on Facebook?
  • Where can you expect to see success?
  • How are other organizations using Facebook?

via Idealware.

Alumni News, Updates, Webinars – May 2011

Hello Alumni Relations folks, it’s Alumni Channel. Have you missed us? 

Spring has definitely sprung at Alumni Channel!

We’re excited to be connecting back to our mailing list subscribers with fresh ideas on connecting with alumni. You can expect to hear ideas from us more frequently going forward…but, not too much – just on a monthly basis. Continue reading

Getting Started with Email Fundraising $40 | Idealware

Idealware, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, provides candid Consumer-Reports-style reviews and articles about software of interest to nonprofits.

Fundraising via email requires an understanding of a number of different elements – designing an email campaign, writing an email, avoiding spam filters, broadcast email tools, online donation tools, and more. We’ll walk through what you’ll need to know to design your own email fundraising campaign.

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Social Media and Mobile Technology Webinars for Nonprofit Organizations

Heather Mansfield, owner of DIOSA Communications and blogger at Nonprofit Tech 2.0, presents webinars on how nonprofits can successfully utilize online fundraising tools, e-mail newsletters, social media and mobile technology. A firm believer in putting your money where your mouse is, Heather also donates 10% of the gross proceeds from her webinars to her favorite nonprofits.

The webinar schedule for 2011 is now posted. The content of the webinars have been updated to reflect the rapidly changing social media and mobile technology space. They have an entirely new look, and unlike previous years, a couple of webinars are now offered on Thursdays. Yet like always, the webinars focus heavily on how-to best practices and successful utilization of the tool set that each social media site or mobile technology tool offers.

Social Media and Mobile Technology Webinars for Nonprofit Organizations.

Free Webinar: Software for Fundraising

In this recorded webinar, Laura Quinn walks through, at a high level, the types of software that can help with fundraising, from the basics to the more advanced, as covered by our Field Guide to Software for Nonprofits. For each type of software, we’ll talk about how it can support fundraising, some popular vendors, and where to go for more information.

via Idealware.

Product Information Webinars

Learn more about Alumni Channel by attending one of our 30-minute web seminars, or ‘webinars’.  All you need is a telephone and Internet connection!  All webinars are just 30 minutes.  Limit 14 participants per webinar, but you may have any number of your colleagues join on your call.

  • Accommodating to all time zones
  • Only 30 minutes in length
  • Time at the end for questions
  • Additional webinars (weekday, evening and weekend) are available upon special request.

To secure your seat, please visit

Webinar: How Nonprofit Organizations Can Successfully Use Twitter and Flickr

This webinar provides a general introduction to and and will demonstrate how nonprofit organizations can successfully use both Web sites to increase their organization’s website traffic and visibility on the Internet.

The webinar will also demonstrate click-by-click how to successfully set-up accounts on both sites, discuss best and worst practices, showcase some cutting-edge micro-fundraising campaigns on Twitter, and feature nonprofit organizations that are excelling in their use of Twitter and Flickr.

Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Time: 10am PST
Duration: 1.5 Hours
Individual Price: $40 per person