Tag Archives: fund raising

Non-Profit Organization Websites: Increasing Donations and Volunteering | Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox

Giving money on charity websites is 7% harder than spending money on e-commerce sites. Donating physical items is even harder. For non-profit websites, social media is secondary; the top priority is to write clearer content.

Non-Profit Organization Websites: Increasing Donations and Volunteering Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox.

Online Fundraising Best Practices for Nonprofit Organizations

Social media and mobile technology have fundamentally changed the way nonprofits communicate with their supporters. It has also changed the way nonprofits fund-raise online. Below is a list of Online Fundraising Best Practices for nonprofits to consider and integrate into their website, social media and mobile technology campaigns.

via DIOSA | Communications: Online Fundraising Best Practices for Nonprofit Organizations.

Free Webinar: Software for Fundraising

In this recorded webinar, Laura Quinn walks through, at a high level, the types of software that can help with fundraising, from the basics to the more advanced, as covered by our Field Guide to Software for Nonprofits. For each type of software, we’ll talk about how it can support fundraising, some popular vendors, and where to go for more information.

via Idealware.

St. Agnes alumni raise more than $34K for school – LIHerald.com – Nassau County’s source for local news, breaking news, sports, entertainment & shopping

The newly-formed St. Agnes Cathedral School Alumni Association held its first ever All Class Reunion Celebration and All-Star basketball game in May at the St. Agnes Parish Center and gym. This event, which was also a school fundraiser, netted a total of $34,117. All proceeds will go toward the renovation and modernization of the school science lab.

Read more:  St. Agnes alumni raise more than $34K for school – LIHerald.com.

Schools’ Deep-Pocketed Partners

In the last decade, a growing number of parents, alumni and corporations have been donating private money to public schools for a wide range of school equipment, educational supplies, artists-in-residence and accouterments that go beyond the traditional PTA  gifts and what  may  otherwise be outside the local school board’s spending plan.

Consultants estimate that more than 5,000 such foundations exist nationwide, roughly equal to one  out  of  every three school districts.  The foundations seem to thrive best in well-off towns, whose residents are eager and able to support the schools, and in distressed cities that can attract traditional grants aimed at easing poverty.

Schools’ Deep-Pocketed Partners, The New York Times, June 3, 2007